Graphic Designer

Mish Burton

Mish Burton is an accomplished designer and photographer - creating marketing and branding materials for the websites and retail stores of companies like Apple and Sephora. As was the case with many freelance creatives who came of age during the economic recession following the 2008 stock market crash, Mish developed a versatile set of skills in order to weather the financial storm of the following decade. They excelled in graphic design, website development, computer programming, and web UX. Unlike many millennials, Mish also had to contend with the onset of a rare autoimmune condition that eventually made professional photography impossible due to physical limitations. After a botched ankle surgery that left them unable to walk for four years, ketamine therapy gave them their life back. Outside of work, Mish helps advocate for medicinal ketamine applications and queer rights. They graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in photography. None of this matters to their adorable cat, Grimoire, but that’s ok, because she is just a cat.